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Site para Radares

For a better understanding, there are several types of Radars in Brazil, such as Meteorological, Aircraft Approach, Aircraft Interception, Air Navigation, among others, but what many do not know is that all of these Radars require of the entire logistics and infrastructure for the operation of this equipment. The place where this work will be carried out is called the Site.

A Site for Radars requires the development of Executive Projects of various specialties, which define the civil and mechanical construction to be carried out on site, in addition to electrical, air conditioning and possibly hydro sanitary installations, among others. The first step after choosing the location is the development of the Civil, Electrical Project and also the Mechanical Structural Project of the Tower that will support the Radar. It is also extremely important to think about the logistics to be created to carry out the work, as most of the places chosen are difficult to access and require a strategy for the effectiveness of the installations.

After all Executive Projects are approved, the Tower manufacturing process begins and the civil construction part of the work also begins, such as the foundation to support the Tower, the construction of the Power House (KF) or Shelter for the equipment, the execution of fencing for site security, among other facilities. Afterwards, the electrical and hydraulic installations are made and with the completion of the manufacture of the Tower, its assembly begins on site. With the Tower assembled, the process of installing the Radar on the top of the Tower begins and finally the assembly of the Radome.

Our Company had the honor of participating in a large Project in the form of a Consortium with the Company Selex from Germany, currently Leonardo from Italy, in the execution of 9 Sites for Meteorological Radars, in the cities of Natal/RN, Petrolina/PE, Maceió/AL , Salvador/BA, Santa Teresa/ES, Almenara/MG, São Francisco/MG, Três Marias/MG and Jaraguari/MS, for the supply of S-Band Meteorological Radars and construction of these Sites for CEMADEN (National Center for Monitoring and Alerts of Natural disasters).

This type of work requires the existence of a qualified and integrated Technical Team, so that the Project can be executed correctly and safely. And here at Engeletrica you will find all this.



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